CAFFE Strategies
CAFFE stands for ‘Creative Advancement for Financial Empowerment’ and is the home of the signature Intercultural Creativity®, NeuroSomatic Creativity® and Prismatic Leadership training programs and includes our 7 Gems of Intercultural Creativity and the 16 Diamond Tools for Creative Thinking. With these cutting edge developmental tools, we develop your team members’ ability to be a bridge across cultures and successfully communicate, create and INNOVATE across cultural lines.
Our workshops are HCRI approved and we are certified to administer the researched-based IDI assessments on intercultural competency, which is the global leading assessment that identifies an employee’s ability to adapt and bridge across cultures.
Creative thinking within a diverse and inclusive environment is now the top skill requested by top executives and Fortune 500 companies. CAFFE knows the fundamentals of intercultural creativity and our researched based interactive programs will strengthen the number one skill needed in today’s workforce; intercultural creative thinking.
How Do I Experience
Intercultural Creativity® and Prismatic Leadership?
Our professional (yet very exciting) trainers utilize the signature Gems of Intercultural Creativity®, Prismatic Leadership and the NeuroSomatic Creativity® framework to sharpen and shine your intercultural development and creative thinking in a whole new way. Our interactive activities from our CAFFE Creativity Boxes– involve observational play, the arts, reframing and imaginistic exercises – will position your team to eradicate microaggressions, discover hidden biases and highlight roadblocks that could be inhibiting your inclusion and creativity goals. Opportunity follows ideas. Inclusive team building empowers creative collaboration. Let our diverse team equip your staff with proven strategies that support inclusion and the development of innovative ideas.
(Coming Soon!)
Can’t attend an in person or virtual live training? We’ll bring our top trainers to you via recorded sessions to experience intercultural development and creative thinking development at your own pace.
Our main 7 module training program ‘7 Gems of Intercultural Creativity‘ covers all the elements of intercultural creative development. Our CAFFE Classics are single three module courses covering topics from 1) Creativity, Inclusion and Cultural Competence, 2) Creative Courage, and 3) Global Leadership in the Creative Age. The 16 Diamond Tools of Creative Thinking are woven throughout all of our training for your individual or team exploration. These interactive fun classes will be available soon!
Creativity happens from the inside out and our team of keynote speakers will inspire, inform and reawaken the internal child-like curiosity and creativity of your team members, attendees and educators.
Our unique set of dynamic speakers and trainers are the thought leaders of this new era. This CAFFE team holds four TEDx talks, two LEGO play™ Certifications and graduate degrees in organization planning, pyschology and FLOW. We cover numerous topics within Intercultural Creativity™ such as intercultural competence, microaggressions, unconscious bias, flow, conflict transformation, neurodiversity and of course, creative thinking. Our signature Diamond Diversity Program includes all of these highly sought after trainers. This team is proud to assist your organization’s DE&I and creative goals for this next era of work!
Corporate Intercultural Creativity® and Prismatic Leadership Training
Learn how to assess, develop and build an intercultural creative culture to support your inclusion and innovation goals. Our cutting edge virtual and in person trainings will increase creative behaviors within your diverse communities that result in significant business results.
Educator Intercultural and NeuroSomatic Creativity Professional Development
In order to have a creative workforce, we need creative classrooms. CAFFE Strategies has award winning virtual and in person trainings, including our NeuroSomatic Creativity program that empowers the creative thinking of educators for increased creativity for their students.
Health Care
Intercultural Creativity® Prismatic Leadership Training
Our interactive training for health care organizations and conferences addresses culture, bias, and creative thinking through a health care lens. Connection, courage and deeper connections are the result of this a transformational experience. You will learn how NeuroSomatic Creativity and Intercultural Creativity® benefit the healthcare community.
Creative Clients