Genein Letford is a pioneer in the field of intercultural creativity and is an national award-winning educator, best-selling author and global speaker on the creative and intercultural competencies. As a veteran TEDx speaker and top creativity trainer, she has inspired many professionals to redevelop their creative abilities in order to produce inclusive ideas for the classroom and workspace. She is certified in the Intercultural Development Inventory Assessment and delivers one of a kind interactive training on intercultural creativity for organizations.
She is the founder and Chief Creative Officer of CAFFE ‘InterCreative Strategies, LLC which trains leaders and employees to unleash their innovative thinking for themselves and in their work while building an inclusive environment. Her book, 7 Gems of Intercultural Creativity: How To Connect, Create and Innovate Across Cultural Lines is due out in the Spring of 2021.
Genein believes creative thinking surrounded by an environment of inclusion are critical skills and she is often called ‘America’s Champion of Creativity’ for her work in reigniting creativity and inclusiveness in our in our workforce.