Amy Camie, recognized as “The Healing Harpist,” is a Certified Clinical Musician, speaker, author, and 2-time breast cancer thriver who loves empowering others with unique perspectives on how music, resonance, and honest self-exploration create bridges of compassion within ourselves and empathy with others.
As a pioneer in the field of harp therapy, Amy has co-authored two clinical trials and several pilot studies demonstrating the effects of her music on brain waves, immune system function, and anxiety levels.
Certified in Intercultural Creativity®, Amy recognizes the potential opportunity for learning in every experience. She encourages audiences to open their mind, expand perceptions, observe beyond the current happenings, and discover deeper connections within themselves, creating more clarity, peace and harmony within and around them.
Amy’s original music is used in hospitals, cancer centers and hospices as well as for general relaxation and stress reduction. Her inspired music relaxes the body, calms the mind, and gently soothes the soul. As one woman said, “You touch others in such a deep place with your music because it comes from such a deep place inside of you.”